Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Thing #12

When I started this process I looked at several blogs and now I have a few I check in on everytime I am working. As with posting, semantics and tone are very important. That is what I think is the most important. It is vital, as with email to remember that although there is dialogue between people, it is not true conversation, because there is visual nor is there sound. Because these elements are missing words carry more power and can be very easily mis-interpretted by the audience and I would assume that it would be easy for bloggers to get over involved. I witnessed this on a blog about cameras I was reading, ugh, what a mess some commenters created!

1 comment:

Mrs. Davis said...

I see some of the same things on the blogs I read too. I want to use this with my students, but there has to be lots of direct teaching in how to go about working with blogs. Otherwise you end up with something that is less than what you originally intended.